Why a Retail Analytics LAB

Video of the new ER(E)A of the consulting

In 2016, we started an internal process of digitizing our knowledge.  We set the way to create our digital platform EREA Retail, which has become the key element to accelerate and consolidate the retail optimization processes that we deliver to our clients.

The EREA Analytics LAB’s MISSION is to accelerate the decision making process based on insightful data for both internal consumption by the consulting teams and for our clients.

Companies spend 85% of their time analyzing and 15% of their time implementing the results generated from the analysis. We aim to turn this reality around and free up most of the time to use it in implementation and execution efforts.

THE VISION of the Analytics LAB is to become the most advanced retail analytics engine; thus, enhancing the analytical decision making process of our clients.

Erea’s Retail Lab is conformed of a multi-disciplinary team that designs, implements and provides support for our Retail Platform:

Statistical and Math expertise:

  • Machine learning
  • Statistical models
  • descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive analytics
  • Segmentation, optimization
  • Data mining

Data base management and Data wrangling

  • UI/UX
  • Front/back end development
  • App design
  • SQL and No-SQL
  • SaaS, IaaS
  • Parallel processing

Retail management expertise:

  • Specific frameworks and ratios for the management and optimization of retail businesses